"The Drafting of a Man"
This completely unoriginal piece of artwork uses the tradition of Dada, pop-art, and any number of art movements that have utilized collage, to develop a composition using only found imagery and objects. I started by exploring local thrift stores and garage sales to find the work of art that speaks to me. Then, using only found images from print sources, I recreated this art with new image layers, subsequently shifting the conceptual nature of the work. In this Dada inspired approach this piece lacks reason and logic, prizing irrationality and intuition, nonsense. For this art to be called nonsense, it should fulfill no legalistic criteria whatsoever. Each piece of random nonsense incorporated in this piece depends on another piece of totally unrelated, utterly nonsense which preceded it. Sometimes in ordinary usage, nonsense is synonymous with absurdity or the ridiculous. The concept of work in this random nonsense art technique is not obvious, it is generally expressed metaphorically.
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